Recently on The O’Reilly Factor, Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer and Ret. Col. David Hunt gave updates on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap conducted by Obama earlier this year.
Shaffer states that although the government has yet to release the report conducted by the U.S. Army into the investigation of Bergdahl’s possible desertion, a preliminary review of considered evidence does implicate Bergdahl as a deserter.
How can a nut job like him get his hands on that kind of money.
Is this done kind of joke? When is a f’n deserter worth more than a bullet in the brain pan, let alone 5 billion dollars of taxpayers money?
Obama has to be a member of the Brotherhood, 5 Billion Dollars on top of all the money he has already given Terrorist Groups. What the hell is wrong with our law makers that they can’t stop this law breaking Dictator?
Its Called High Treason, Obama has / is supporting the enemy. should be hung after a trail.
wow, 5 billion and 5 terrorists for a deserter and not even a letter to release a marine. what a total pos
this is soooooo misleading. POTUS has advisers.
idiot and chief..what a them terroist are stlill laughing..
Shoot all the TRAITORS
This is aide to the enemies of America.