Recently on The O’Reilly Factor, Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer and Ret. Col. David Hunt gave updates on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap conducted by Obama earlier this year.
Shaffer states that although the government has yet to release the report conducted by the U.S. Army into the investigation of Bergdahl’s possible desertion, a preliminary review of considered evidence does implicate Bergdahl as a deserter.
start a war ?
Obama is the antichrist, the son of perdition! It should be obvious to all by now! Obama is going to obliterate the constitution, the bill of rights, and everything else that we all hold dear if we allow him!..
Why to pay?With the Obama’s Gate with Cuba they will be to yourself, Army Colonel Cauby Salles, brz…
Take his Pen and Cell Phone…Impeach and inprision that America destroying POS Obama!
What the hell is wrong with this idiot
Who holds the purse strings?
that’s how fukn t raitors .roll!!
And he wasn’t worth 2 cents. He needs to be executed or put in prison
get rid pf him before its to late
Is BHO stupid on purpose….I mean how could he do this if it wasn’t for a reason? NOBODY can be that dumb….can they??