Recently on The O’Reilly Factor, Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer and Ret. Col. David Hunt gave updates on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap conducted by Obama earlier this year.
Shaffer states that although the government has yet to release the report conducted by the U.S. Army into the investigation of Bergdahl’s possible desertion, a preliminary review of considered evidence does implicate Bergdahl as a deserter.
Of course…. My babies rule my house
The U.S.A. Is not the U.S. Anymore it’s in a thousand pieces.
That just totally sucks the guy was a deserter do we pay them and give them 5 terrorist
OBAMA had to make sure the five terrorists he released had some pocket change to live on. You know he is going to help his fellow Muslims with money that is not his to,give away . How much longer is the civilized population going to put up with this uncivilized racist terrorist? GD
Time to impeach Obama
traitorous action
No Obama didn’t pay We did !
WE? as in the taxpayers of america ? That we? the ones who work every day so they can do this BS? That WE? had enough yet?
Yet, the POS obama wouldn’t allow the families of the two beheaded americans to try to raise money for a ransom. obama is a HYPOCRITE!
I though yo dont negoseat with terrorst looks like you are here giveing them money and let them go thy never do that for us so why the big pay out