Recently on The O’Reilly Factor, Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer and Ret. Col. David Hunt gave updates on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap conducted by Obama earlier this year.
Shaffer states that although the government has yet to release the report conducted by the U.S. Army into the investigation of Bergdahl’s possible desertion, a preliminary review of considered evidence does implicate Bergdahl as a deserter.
If this is not treason for aiding AND abetting, what is????
Just waist the tax payer money, like thier is no end,
Obutface has comitted treason by supporting terrorists and giving them money and their terrorists leaders back to create more killing ofinnocents! ! ! ! ! This OBUTPLUGGer must be REMOVED FROM THE WH IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER FOR HIS TREASON! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Stop cherry picking Tim. That 10.5% unemployment rate was that high as the recession had just started in 2008. The unemployment rate the other 7 years of Bushs’ two terms was much lower and you know it. And Obamas’ 5.9%? Yeah sure if you fudge the numbers.Democrat deceiver you are.
Besides Tim. What the f*** does the unemployment rate have to do with Obamas ‘ treason and Bergdahls’ desertion?
Obama just can’t stop lieing… it must a trait in his family. …
Unemloyment is more like 16%. But the liberals listen to obama’s lies.
Tim you really are an idiot. The true economy is in the dumps. Too many people are either not working or are underemployed. Insurance rates are through the roof.
That 5 Billion can buy them the Weapons to Destroy us ! Thanks Obamy, you’re such an Idiot….
so then US DOES negotiate with terrorists? I’m confused.