Recently on The O’Reilly Factor, Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer and Ret. Col. David Hunt gave updates on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap conducted by Obama earlier this year.
Shaffer states that although the government has yet to release the report conducted by the U.S. Army into the investigation of Bergdahl’s possible desertion, a preliminary review of considered evidence does implicate Bergdahl as a deserter.
people wake up…this all planned to destroy the economy and WE THE PEOPLE….OUR BANKS CAN NOT KEEP or federal government keep on printing more money and keep getting us into debt? it will stop i think soon…they are telling us everything is ok ..its not…we are trillions of dollars in debt and digging our selves deaper in debt
Where did 5 billion come from? Who authorized this?
Cloward-Pivin corollaries in place here. Another move to bankrupt the system.
Waist more money convicting about strapping a parachute on him and send them terrorists a Xmas present.
I would make that a defective parachute!
5 billion more reasons for all of the sheep to believe every word he says.
Ovomit is a traitor indeed…5 billion dollars and 5 taliban leaders?
What authority does anyone have……..none!. I am physically sick
^^^Exactly!^^^ And another thing, $5B??? Has anyone fact-checked this? How could there be no one in Congress or the GAO that didn’t know this, and yet not say a thing?
Nothing will happen. He is untouchable.
Who authorized this? Can he just send his Muslim friends this kind of money alone?