Hillary Clinton’s screw up in Benghazi, along with her crass statement, “What difference does it make?” has become a long stream of injustice for the victims and their families. Even more heartache is being meted out by this Administration, as the Justic Department has decided it will not do right by U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other Americans killed in the attack on the State Department diplomatic compound in Lybia, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012.
The suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala, who is believed to have led the “militant charge” will not face the death penalty. The Justice Department gave no reason as to this decision filed in court Tuesday.
Of course, Khattala’s attorneys have begged the Justice Department to remove the death penalty if he is found guilty. What exactly is in it for the Justice Department for doing just this?
The lives of Americans are forever lost because of Hillary Clinton’s criminal ineptness, there is nothing that can be done to bring them back, yet once again, the Obama Administration will not help heal the wounds caused by this White House and seek justice and retribution.
Find out more on the following page.
Why if he gets loose he’ll do it again. ..
Our president sucks
Benghazi was in no way similar to any other attacks. The differences: Ambassador Stephens and his staff had been requesting increased security for 6 months prior to the attack, and it had consistently been denied, and was decreased. The night of the attack, they again called for help, and were denied. Military forces were ready to disobey orders to go and help, but were restrained. And the Benghazi attacks were the only time that the government blamed the slaughter of innocent people on a hate-video, knowing fully well, that attack was planned and not connected to the video.
Also, one has to wonder, if this wasn’t a massive cover-up of something, why couldn’t they get their stories straight? Not only was the video story an intentional lie, but no one seems to know who to blame for the “stand down” orders. Was it obama who issued that order, as many believe that particular order can only come from the POTUS? Or was it Hillary, acting on obama’s behalf… or maybe she protecting him….
. Just another indication of the ELITE ruling class and how they escape justice!
He’s protected by Hilary and the Obama administration.
Heard killery was appointing him head of her security
Larry good one
Because he is muslim and obama is president
So now we have to support this sorry bastard for the rest of his life! Stupid laws just shoot the son of a$#%&!@*
They’re all scratching each others backs. No justice for those brave men, and she’s still allowed to walk free, never mind run for the highest office in America. I can only hope and pray to finally see the day when she meets her fate and karma gets her