Hillary Clinton’s screw up in Benghazi, along with her crass statement, “What difference does it make?” has become a long stream of injustice for the victims and their families. Even more heartache is being meted out by this Administration, as the Justic Department has decided it will not do right by U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other Americans killed in the attack on the State Department diplomatic compound in Lybia, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012.
The suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala, who is believed to have led the “militant charge” will not face the death penalty. The Justice Department gave no reason as to this decision filed in court Tuesday.
Of course, Khattala’s attorneys have begged the Justice Department to remove the death penalty if he is found guilty. What exactly is in it for the Justice Department for doing just this?
The lives of Americans are forever lost because of Hillary Clinton’s criminal ineptness, there is nothing that can be done to bring them back, yet once again, the Obama Administration will not help heal the wounds caused by this White House and seek justice and retribution.
Find out more on the following page.
Justice from an Islamic POS who paid for his citizenship and is trying to turn our great Country into a Shithole like yemen
Obamas and Hilary’s pal.
Hope live to see justice for thr men who died because of Hillary n Barry
The Woman Card? NO woman is fit to be Commander in Chief! Least of all Hillary Clinton! There is your damn woman’s card! It’s no wonder kids are growing up not knowing what sex they are! Get back to reality people! There is a natural order to things and it isn’t Bruce Jenner! Politically Correct, MY$#%&!@*
I hope I live to see Barry and Hillary pay for their high crimes of treason and corruption
Obitch. American.$#%&!@*you muslim trash
Joyce Yan where are you you missing one year if see my message call me you known my phone thank but your phone number is not service 6046186683 because I am unhappy because my girls friends missing one year if see my message call me you known my phone thank but your phone number is not service 6046186683 because I am unhappy
Hillary, America will never forget Benghazi. The four men, ask for help Over &, OVER. Hillary & Obama have Blood on their Hands, that will never Wash Off. I hope you will pay Dearly.