Hillary misspoke again when she vowed she had turned over all the emails that pertained to governmental business. Back in 2009, right before she was sworn in as Secretary of State, the FBI found she had several correspondences with General Petraeus.
The FBI also just broke the news that there are over 900 emails that are related to Libya-Benghazi, that were not disclosed.
As many thought, the hidden elephant in the emails go back to Benghazi. Hillary will go back before the House Committee on Benghazi specifically to address the emails and other documents next month. Will this be the scandal that takes down the Clinton machine?
Is the key to the cover up Benghazi related? next page
Well lets see if the Obama administration gave weapons to the Muslim brotherhood stand up and speak Killary or be hung for treason
Good now try her and put her in jail,
I hope that the lost files the Feds found with relations to Benghazi, will be the oil used to cook this goose. How dare she even speak the names of our hero’s, and the names of our services. She should have her mouth sewn shut and fed through an intravenous tube. That sign in front of her should NOT read Honoralbe. She did NOTHING honorable to earn that title. I’m sorry, you can classify me as a wonam hater, racist, anything, but REMEMBER THIS, I and others have fought in Vietnam so that she and her treasonous husband and all the other liberal traitors could utter those words they’ve spoken so often. If she was to stand in front of me and put out her hand to shake it, I’d TURN MY BACK, as I would for all the other Liberals. I’m not mad, I’m bItter, because we’ve let good men and women die for nothing. Yet these liberals walk around witout a care in the world. I now apologize for my rant.
Put that witch,in prison..
I will give Hillary credit for being one of the best liars in the world. SHE is excellent and has to be to keep the Justice Department at bay ! The LAWS apparently protect Hillary and others in Obama’s Adm. L Lynch is also not doing her job obviously and probably is following in E Holders footsteps !
They can put anything on that name plate but”honorable”.
Sounds Like Indiana Jones WTF ARREST THEM ALL
Killery Hillery, it began in Little Rock as 1st Lady, she wanted to be 1st president from that time on, so she concealed bill’s looking all over the cuntry for women and she kept it secret. She didn’t care,except that they are good for each other. She is NOT ABOVE THE LAW OR IF i EVER DO ANYTHING WRONG, which I am not perfect, but I do have God’s yardstick to measure good and evil with. If she gets off this time, the next time I do something wrong, I want the Hillary Get Out of jail free card. For now Americans having the same laws the ‘Butcher of Benghazi Blood