Hillary Clinton could very well end up being the next president of the United States. The very thought is almost inconceivable, and points to the ignorance and judgement of members of the Democrat party. There are dozens of reasons that she should be ineligible for any government job or otherwise, including being one of the most blatant and unrepentant liars anyone has seen for many, many years.
Her dishonesty is incredible and self-serving, though it is true that modern political practice seems to breed liars. Her brand of prevarication goes light years beyond anyone else practicing the art. But it is her coldness, her willingness to absolutely destroy anyone creating an obstacle to her ambition, be they friend or foe, that is so sickening. The U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi has now released its final report, and it is amazing that Clinton would even show her face in public. She will deny all, and Democrat voters will reliably support her, even though her actions cost patriotic U.S. citizens their lives.
Committee reveals truth of Benghazi massacre and Clinton’s role in their deaths, page 2:
Probably her emails helped this to go down the way it did? Obama is involved too
God will have the last word
The fact they don’t
Belive do sent matter he is there watching every dirty deed
Bush negotiated the withdrawl in 2007, we couldn’t legally stay there. But…facts.
ISIS formed to fill the power vacuum left behind jpon the departure of the US troops before stabilizing the region.
Murdering scumbellies.
These families that have sacrficed so much with the death of these heros have every right to demand the truth & condemn any actions of the leadership that contributed to these heros deaths. The military as a normal course of business conducts a thorough review to insure mistakes are not repeated. At the same time, these sacrifices should not be exploited politically. It cheapens the service & sacrifice of these families & their heros.
An interesting article…
Had the US troops been allowed to remain, stabilize the region, and ensure a properly elected government was intalled, there would be NO ISIS today.