As the world continues to fight ISIS and al-Qaeda in the Middle East, many may find themselves staring down the barrel of American guns.
A new report by a former officer in the CIA alleges that a gun running scheme supported by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration ultimately delivered guns into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda.
According to the report, the arms were initially intended to overthrow Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, but began flowing out of the region and into Syria.
If true, this at least partially explains the rapid rise to prominence ISIS has managed to achieve, and lays the blame squarely at the Obama administration’s feet.
To see more details of the report, continue reading on the next page:
Truth And Action hi everybody, Truth And Action. (y), I got 18%, test now
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well as Americans , or anyone from a civilized country we need to ask about the people that will be in the operating room then and then we have the ch I like: All of our enemies have become stronger while America has become weaker under this adminstration….I’m tired of saying nothing & doing nothing. It’s time we rally together, get the truth out & make changes to the system.
Treason much? Aid and comfort to our enemies.
Impeach Obama Now
That’s odd, another report says those arms were captured when Iraqi security forces ran. Somebody is lying and dung beetles are feasting.
Strange psychosis.
It may well be just my opinion about Benghazi but here it is.
Ambassador Stevens asked for more security several hundred times. Hitlery Clinton not only denied the requests but took some of the standing security away. This is all proven fact. Here is what no one will ever be able to prove. As Hitlery Clinton has destroyed all the emails that would provide proof. After asking for more security and having security taken away. Ambassador Stevens told Hitlery he was going public about arming the enemy ISIS. Hitlery Clinton then had her gun runners tell ISIS to kill Ambassador Stevens. The reason for the stand down order. Hitlery Clinton did not want the public to know she was arming ISIS.
Impeach that fucking n****r
I knew it..traitor
Obama’s army!