As the world continues to fight ISIS and al-Qaeda in the Middle East, many may find themselves staring down the barrel of American guns.
A new report by a former officer in the CIA alleges that a gun running scheme supported by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration ultimately delivered guns into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda.
According to the report, the arms were initially intended to overthrow Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, but began flowing out of the region and into Syria.
If true, this at least partially explains the rapid rise to prominence ISIS has managed to achieve, and lays the blame squarely at the Obama administration’s feet.
To see more details of the report, continue reading on the next page:
Gee I wander fucking why, mudslime everywhere, soon the American people will have had enough and will begin removing this infestation ourselves, we aren’t going to be given a choice, I’m not going to allow our great nation to become over run with muzzys, It cannot be allowed,
It won’t matter who is president… Yesterday, today, tomorrow, or in the next 200 years. War is a Big-Money making business. Without war money won’t flow…
A lot of sniveling crybabies pretty soon you’re going to be fighting are you going to be cowering in a corner those are your two options because bitching isn’t getting you nowhere because you got no simulation
I apologize people you did get somewhere you have a few million tell you that they’re going to leave if they don’t get their way good job
I can’t help but think the unfortunate victims of the Benghazi attack were sacrificed to cover up something else. Just what, I’m not sure, but I am sure there more to this.
Who is going to pardon hillary. Our treasonous traitor president.
Jokers and murderers.
Jail Soetoro for treason!!!!!
How much more are we willing to take from this idiot????????
We all ready knew that a long time ago???