As the world continues to fight ISIS and al-Qaeda in the Middle East, many may find themselves staring down the barrel of American guns.
A new report by a former officer in the CIA alleges that a gun running scheme supported by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration ultimately delivered guns into the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda.
According to the report, the arms were initially intended to overthrow Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, but began flowing out of the region and into Syria.
If true, this at least partially explains the rapid rise to prominence ISIS has managed to achieve, and lays the blame squarely at the Obama administration’s feet.
To see more details of the report, continue reading on the next page:
Sad but true
That why there’s a extreme need for patriots to unit and take a stand before it’s too late
only a stupid democrat thinks otherwise…. the rest of the cicvelized world knows he (ovomit) is behind ISIS all the way …
I agree with….Ernest Robinet
Not an accident; Not a coincidence.
Don’t be fooled. There’s been Muslim troops in this country since Obama’s election. There are witnesses.
only until Obama is gone 🙂
Also where did the trillion dollars go to that was stolen out of the general treasury. Not a GOP politician is questioning anything.
So where are the arrest warrants?