Doctor Ben Carson stepped away from his social conservative supporters in order to back the establishment when he announced he supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The TPP would weaken American companies and make illegal immigration into the United States even easier. Carson threw his support behind the TPP the day after the text of the agreement was placed online for all to see.
This is coming a while after Carson said he supported mandatory vaccinations without any exemptions. It seems that Carson is supporting more and more authoritarian schemes and seems confused about how he attained his position as a Republican candidate to begin with.
Find out more about Ben Carson’s policy ideas on page 2.
he is another plant people
He is another plant to further the agenda people wake up
Good Bye Benjamin..
Not saying any thing negative but don’t they all say they’re Christian.
Dont force us to accept any BS like these vaccines DR Carson, as they are evil and no proof they work so if you must, make them optional and free but dont shove anything down our throats like Obama has and is or youll commit Political Suicide soon here and America needs you so start siding with Obama
What fool’s we are. Someone post something that we already have mandated vaccines if you send your kids to public school. He said he agrees with vaccines not mandating anymore then what we already have. Nothing new here. As far as the TPP where is Carson’s quote on that one? Oh it wasn’t his quote it was Watt’s quote. No facts once again and twisted interpretations. Just fear mongering on an Honest, moral, God fearing candidate which neither side wants in because congress could not live up to his morals or honesty.
There is one thing us Americans are forgetting. When is the last time we the people have voted someone into office, whether it be a congressman or president, that actually had a moral character, values, courageous and didn’t have a personal agenda. I’m 51 and I can’t remember when it has happened. Oh we thought we did a couple of times but we were fooled. If you look at the all candidates honestly there is only one that is for the people. I often wondered how can you tell if they are lying to you or if they are the real deal. And it all falls back on their character. How do they treat others. How do they handle difficult people. How do they handle difficult situations. There is only one person that fits that criteria and that is Dr. Ben Carson. How do I know? I have a friend that was his patient and he is the real deal. He is what he says he is. I’ve done my research. Anyone that puts God first will have that honest, moral character that has to do the right thing because if they don’t they know they have to answer to God. Dr. Ben Carson has put God first since age 14 and has grown from there. We won’t have all this drama that we have now and have had in the past. The truth will be told, no secret deals, no personal agenda, just leadership that we can be proud of and an inspiring example to look to. For us Christians we already have that in Jesus Christ. But for this nation, we need peace. We need to become the United States of America again. United we stand, Divided we fall. I’m tired of all the drama and all the bickering. It’s time to look back and see what has made this country great. We the people can make this country great again but we have to become like the people that were back then. People of integrity, People that cared about their neighbor, People that had a heart, People that morals, values and were courageous. People that stood up and took responsibility for their actions. We the people are the only thing that has changed in this great nation. Dr. Ben Carson has the right character to heal, inspire, and revive this nation. Just compare his life with the lives of the other candidates. He has dedicated his whole life for others. There is not one other candidate you can say that about. And now he’s willing to continue to dedicate his life(at least four years of it) for our nation, for we the people, to be our president.
Fritz Whitmer Because the majority have been vaccinated. BTW She is welcomed.
Beware of this man