Doctor Ben Carson stepped away from his social conservative supporters in order to back the establishment when he announced he supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The TPP would weaken American companies and make illegal immigration into the United States even easier. Carson threw his support behind the TPP the day after the text of the agreement was placed online for all to see.
This is coming a while after Carson said he supported mandatory vaccinations without any exemptions. It seems that Carson is supporting more and more authoritarian schemes and seems confused about how he attained his position as a Republican candidate to begin with.
Find out more about Ben Carson’s policy ideas on page 2.
Norma Jarman Edwards
Norma Jarman Edwards how long have has your dad and mom been married and had children by each other?
So Terribly Disappointed !!!!
carson turning back to his true color.
A couple of burnt matches..
He just lost the race!
what a nice looking man,not obama
Carson is more like Obama then people thought! Beware!
Carson isn’t who he claims to be. He has Mental issues. We’ve been through enough.