Doctor Ben Carson stepped away from his social conservative supporters in order to back the establishment when he announced he supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The TPP would weaken American companies and make illegal immigration into the United States even easier. Carson threw his support behind the TPP the day after the text of the agreement was placed online for all to see.
This is coming a while after Carson said he supported mandatory vaccinations without any exemptions. It seems that Carson is supporting more and more authoritarian schemes and seems confused about how he attained his position as a Republican candidate to begin with.
Find out more about Ben Carson’s policy ideas on page 2.
Brooke and the rest. You can now easily research “polio” and it’s history and current day status.
A neurological disorder now perpetuated by faulty vaccines.
The Salk assault on humanity was a screw up from day one. It’s public knowledge.
Trump is the only candidate who wants the government to do what it is supposed to do; Watch out for America’s interest and to protect Americans. NO mandatory Vaccines.
Trump has my vote.
Including me
ya lets vote carson , maybe if you just dont vote it will be better seem some will never learn
He’s be my favorite choice for operating on a child.
Doesn’t make him my favorite choice for dealing with America’s economy,international business or foreign affairs.
Rita, I’m on your side.
There is absolutely 0% medical proof that vaccines have anything to do with autism. AND – babies die of SIDS all the time ….. in fact 2,500 infant deaths this year will be classified as SIDS, an additional 2,000 seemingly healthy babies under 12 months will also die mysteriously in their sleep. ALSO did you notice that the cases also involved law suits (so follow the money and why they are blaming pharmaceutical companies).
Joseph ….. I am sorry for the loss of your Dad.
Just FYI – before the “small pox vaccine” – an estimated 300 million people died in 20th century alone. Vaccines are for the greater good.