Doctor Ben Carson stepped away from his social conservative supporters in order to back the establishment when he announced he supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The TPP would weaken American companies and make illegal immigration into the United States even easier. Carson threw his support behind the TPP the day after the text of the agreement was placed online for all to see.
This is coming a while after Carson said he supported mandatory vaccinations without any exemptions. It seems that Carson is supporting more and more authoritarian schemes and seems confused about how he attained his position as a Republican candidate to begin with.
Find out more about Ben Carson’s policy ideas on page 2.
Josh Vargh, you are a stupid idiot Imam mot racist, I have an opinion, Carson nor Trump are not President material, Carson in no obozo an I don’t care if he were green I would not vote for him, he was a wonderful Surgeon, but not qualified for President an neither is trump the big mouth. Now shut your stupid mouth you don’t know what you are talking about.
Well not voting for him
Carson is losing voters as his true colors start coming out,Trump 2016
Oh hell no.
Tell that to the parents of all the children who have been harmed or killed by vaccines
Carson should never be Elected President, Wake Up Republicans, He just be came a republican, too mild Mannered (WIMP) another Black, should have learned from Demo experiment !!
My shot records show Smallpox / Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis / Polio / Measles / Mumps / Rubella (all as a child). Because I travel internationally I have also had (as an adult) Hepatitis B / Pneumococcal / Varicella / Haemophilus ……… and I have still not “caught the autism”. So what “horrible” shots are “autistic canidates” getting that myself (and every military personal or international worker) have not taken???
I don’t like it I do mandated vaccination
And you are what’s wrong with humanity. You believe everything you hear. Tell that to all the grieving parents whose children died from vaccines.
NO mandatory vaccines. We are being poisoned enough!