Ben Carson, known for his calm demeanor and matching delivery of topics, spoke out regarding a Muslim becomng President. Of course the left tried to twist the essence of his answer. Basically, Carson did not think a Muslim should be President. Why? He coming from the philosphical rigor of its ideological premise spoke of nature of Islam. It was not in that religion to teach a true separation of Church and State. It could not swear on a Christian bible. It fundamentally is opposed to our notion of freedom.
see video and reaction of media next page
I know…I’m calling out the liberals on their hypocrisy
Go Ben Carson
Wtf we already have one…
Too late we already have one
Already have one in office!
Read the quaran then you’ll agree with ben
Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen… much less an American President? Consider this:
Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.
Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.
Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer 5 times a day.
Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically, no, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Qur’an 4:34). Can you see a court case brewing here?
Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam. (Qur’an, 2:256)
Intellectually, no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically, no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an do not allow freedom of religion and expression.
Spiritually, no, because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as our heavenly father, nor is he ever called Love in the Qur’an’s 99 excellent names. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.
Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic. Therefore after much study and deliberation perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both good Muslims and good Americans.
Call it what you wish…it’s still the truth. If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above, perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country. Pass it on.
To be “All-American”… One must support the Constitution and the principles of our Founding Fathers. There is no room for Sharia Law or supporters of that backwards Islamic system of laws.
The LIBERAL MEDIA AND THEIR SHEEP arent used to having someone stand by their principles…they just get the lowlife panderers !!!
Herein lies the problem: “If we are practicing Muslims, we are ABOVE THE LAW of the land.” ~ Mustafa Carroll, CAIR director