In late June 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin was shot to death in New Jersey by Muslim Ali Muhammad Brown who claimed the killing was because of US actions abroad.
“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” stated Brown to detectives.
Brown has killed 3 people in his acts of jihad, yet his story has been largely ignored. The orchestrators of these events, Obama and his communist clan, must want a little more time before the attacks truly begin.
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Homefront, Be prepared America, clean your own home first then come to fight in Iraq and Syria,,,May Allah protect our Islam from Infidels.
I say squish this mans head till his eyes pop out then burry him alive in pain with red ants .
Obama should be killed he has poked this
Muslim scurge.
He wants to be a moslum cut his head off in there justed.
Another failure in the media.
Should be1000 of them for every one of us
Can’t we take Ali Muhammad strap a parachute on him that doesn’t work, fly over the desert and open the Bombay doors.
The ideology of Islam MUST be defeated. It must be consigned to the dustbin of history along with those other vicious totalitarianisms – Nazism and Communism. The alternative is our extermination as a civilization, and the whole world being plunged into an endless theocratic Dark Age.”
Well since he thinks the way he does its pretty simple to me, fed hi9m to the pigs and dont bother wasting a bullet any open wound will help get the party started.