In late June 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin was shot to death in New Jersey by Muslim Ali Muhammad Brown who claimed the killing was because of US actions abroad.
“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” stated Brown to detectives.
Brown has killed 3 people in his acts of jihad, yet his story has been largely ignored. The orchestrators of these events, Obama and his communist clan, must want a little more time before the attacks truly begin.
Click the link below for more info + video:
I pray that he gets the death penalty… death by slow dismemberment!!
it is only time before another 9/11 happens.
“Woorkplace violence”?
God is in control.
Nothing from Obama , Sharpton or Jackson??? Oh, of course not, Brendan is white!
And yet….we have heard and continue to hear tons of news about the Brown case in Ferguson, Mo. Why you say? Because Brown was a black killed by a white police officer. Doesn’t seem to matter that Brown had just strong armed a store owner/employee and then tried to disarm the police officer (who had to go to the hospital) of his gun and Brown was found to have drugs in his system and had been heard to say his “hands were his weapon.” Further, he had a juvenile record and was a gang member…. you could say he was a thug….but because he was a black teen killed by a white police officer….Obama sends Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and more…even sent two govt. reps to the thugs funeral… and they call that justice???
Let the people have him!
why is the sob still alive kill the bastard
Enough you Coward Muslim Scumbags… You will Pay.
You Filthy Terrorist Cowards start Attacking People here in America you will Pay.. You will Go to hell and Burn with Allah and that Scumbag Oefophile Mohammed!!!