In late June 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin was shot to death in New Jersey by Muslim Ali Muhammad Brown who claimed the killing was because of US actions abroad.
“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” stated Brown to detectives.
Brown has killed 3 people in his acts of jihad, yet his story has been largely ignored. The orchestrators of these events, Obama and his communist clan, must want a little more time before the attacks truly begin.
Click the link below for more info + video:
But lets bring MORE and MORE of them here so we can continue to be murdered from within….
put a BOUNTY on him and a catch limit
Are you sure you want to go with that philosophy?
Thank You Obama. You have given this country total change. It is truly sad that we, the American people have to experience this type of violence and where is the news media to report this Bull C**p. Why not report the truth instead of covering up for these cowards. The news media needs to be taken to task as well because if they think Obama is going to protect them, wrong…. He will throw them under the bus as quickly as he has thrown the United States. Impeach the worthless piece of C**p and all his little followers that think he is the best. He is the worst President we have ever had. There have been comments about George W. Bush but G.W. hasn’t sold out HIS country now can anyone say that about Obama and his pack of thieves? NOT! Bring this Jack ass and all the others that are violating the Constitution and murdering innocent, to justice but hang them instead of giving them 3 squares and a cot. They do not deserve to breathe another breath for the injustice and lunacy they have caused. HANG ‘EM HIGH.
change it is a nightmare
The Democratic Socialist Party sponsors this kind of c**p. We need to keep on the GOP and keep on going till we knock these bastards off balance once and for all.We The People.
Obama is an Islamic terrorist, himself. And his cronies are his terrorist cell.
So why is this jackass still alive when he should have been swinging immediately after committing the crime?
this is just the tip of the beginning!!