In late June 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin was shot to death in New Jersey by Muslim Ali Muhammad Brown who claimed the killing was because of US actions abroad.
“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” stated Brown to detectives.
Brown has killed 3 people in his acts of jihad, yet his story has been largely ignored. The orchestrators of these events, Obama and his communist clan, must want a little more time before the attacks truly begin.
Click the link below for more info + video:
No comments from Obuttplug, Uncle Al Sharpton or Jerk Off Jessie???
oh i like the pork one! 😀
Brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party.
take the sob and cover him in pig fat grease and then stake him out for the ants to feast on just like the indians used to do.
Let the prison take care of him.
Keep in mind Obama is a camel jockey too. Execute them both
Sounds like workplace violence to me!!!!
Wrap him in bacon & send him back to his jihadist country!
The cops should never let them reach the jail alive !!