These articles were drawn up by constitutional lawyer Michael Connelly and are being sent to congress.
We need to spread news of this FAR AND WIDE. Share this with everyone you know.
Once sent to congress, we should call our congressmen and DEMAND it be taken up immediately. With enough voices, with enough pressure we can change the current path of this country!
Resolution Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate: Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.
This article is nice and all, but what do we do about the next puppet that will come in and continue raping America? You guys need to realize that this goes much deeper than just the Presidency.
I hope and pray to GOD that this is true. We need to get rid of him and his Hitler ways.
I can’t believe you people and this country. We have a man that is actually trying to make a difference and fix this $#%&!@*ty nation and all we do is say “he’s horrible, get him out”. Most of you wont admit it but a lot of this hate is driven by racism. He has given millions of young adults health care again, gave people more choice for health insurance, saved tens of millions a ton of money on insurance, fought to protect our guns, made college more affordable and trying to get it even cheaper or free, charging the rich bastards more since they have enough money to wipe their ass on, created millions of new jobs, spent less money than any president in the last 20 years, and is only trying to help everyone and this country. All the $#%&!@* I see people accusing him of is not him at all -most of the claims are of the things a lot of house Republicans are purposing. People wont read the fact before they’re so quick to judge though. People say he tried to take our guns… Well no, he simply wanted more rules regarding them… However, there were a whole lot of house republicans and republican senators, governors, mayors, etc who were trying to get laws passed to do away with a lot of guns. And for the first time EVER we the people have more choices when it comes to health insurance and cheaper options. All he did was give the market and the private insurance companies some competition to compete with. If you ask around you will realize that a lot of peoples private insurance is getting a whole lot cheaper because they’re lowering their rates to compete with the federal program to keep their customers from switching. And if you don’t like the federal option, you don’t have to use it, all he did was give us more CHOICE! And the government shutdown was pushed by nothing other than republicans, people who for some reason think that by shutting down our government it will resolve a problem, all the while they sit at home and still get paid out the ears. A few weeks ago they said we had the money to bomb and invade another country and now we don’t have the money to pay our federal employees. Our president is trying to fix this poor excuse of a country and make it a proud and prosperous nation again and all of you simple minded racist bastards do nothing but sit on your ass and criticize his every move. He’s only one person and he can only do so much and when he does try to fix it a lot of republicans will reject everything he tries to purpose. If you want something changed or done then don’t just sit on your ass and talk $#%&!@* about him, go out and start a movement. Let the government know what you don’t like and what needs to be done. And for God’s sake, read the damn facts and do your research before you start pointing fingers. Call your senators, governors, and other elected officials and say or do something. Just because you don’t agree with what’s going on doesn’t mean you have to go out and talk $#%&!@* about someone when they’re trying their best to do what’s good for you and your country. Grow up, read the real facts, quit bitching and get out and take action!
I call BS once again
My God, I pray this is true! Anthony, you are the IDIOT!
IMPEACH THE DICTATOR before we lose everything
Lol… If George W. and Cheney weren’t impeached, Hussein want be either.
If this is to be true, than we also must look at the entire administration as a whole!