Americans have known for quite some time that a day is quickly approaching, when they’ll be made to pay for the government’s bad spending habits. According to Glen Beck, a political commentator (for those of you who don’t already know that), that time is closer than you think. And though America is foreseen to face the brunt of this economic beating, the rest of the world is poised to feel it, as well.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Beck is a moron
Beck is a nut job sometimes, I don’t pay much attention to him anymore.
More falsehoods from Truth? and BS Action
Every week and month someone warns of another crisis, get over it.
you’ve been saying that for years
Putin is debating nuking Isis in Syria .
Could he be talking about Putin nuking Isis in Syria ?
So sick of Becks winey, cry baby self. he is such a butt sucking sissy!
Or next week,,, or next month or…
It must suck to always live in fear. Between the bible and the politicians death always seems to be right around the corner. Im sorry but it is coming eventually so im going to enjoy everyday until then.