British police have been playing nanny again, punishing people for saying things they don’t approve of, even locking them up and treating them like violent criminals as it were. This time, Thames Valley beauty salon owner April Major has been taken into custody by law enforcement due to inflammatory remarks she made regarding Muslims over Facebook. Not acts, mind you, remarks.
Reacting to the attacks in Paris, Major wrote on the social media site that Muslims were no longer welcome at her business, allegedly stating, “Time to put my country first.” It is even claimed that she said “I hope your families get blown up by ISIS,” over the site. As ill-considered as her comments are, Major did not commit violence against anyone or anything, and yet the Thames Valley police felt the “threat” she posed was credible enough to take her in. Citing the Public Order Act as permission to take action against those publicly display “abusive” material, officers promptly apprehended her.
Keep reading to see some of the reactions to Major’s arrest:
My Dear Friends:Here is an article just posted by a German doctor. I am showing ALL of it so EVERYONE can read it and realize what the results of “open borders” will be!! Thank you for reading this!! BonnieA Female Doctor Warns the World!! “Yesterday, at the hospital in Germany where I work, we had a meeting about how the influx of muslim immigrants from the middle east is simply unsustainable. Walk in Health Clinics cannot handle emergencies, being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of serious health emergencies, they are starting to send everything to the hospitals. Many muslims are refusing treatment by female staff here in Germany. The muslim men make sick, crude comments and overtures to the female staff members, because to them any non-muslim woman is a whore or a future slave. After brief exposure to these cruel, sadistic, female hating beats, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially the muslim men from Africa. Relations between the female hospital staff and muslim immigrants are going from bad to worse. Since, the assault and unreported rapes of German women last weekend migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units. Very high numbers of migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them. If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, when they learn they have to pay cash they become violent. They were told in the middle east that everything in Germany would be free. Everything would be handed to them on a silver platter. Finding out that they MUST pay for certain things leads to loud, violent, outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. Many of these muslim immigrants kidnapped children, so that, their social benefits would be higher once they landed in Germany. Finding that they would have to pay for the children’s drugs, they gave up the ruse and abandoned the children with pharmacy staff with the words: ‘So, cure them here yourselves!’ Now, the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies. Truly we said openly: Where are all those who had welcomed in front of TV cameras, with signs at train stations?! Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them. Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million or higher. Most of these people are completely unemployable. A infinitesimal bare minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant with many children in tow. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and neglected. If this continues and German re-opens its borders, I’m going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even double the salary than at home. I went to Germany, not to Africa or the Middle East. Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who for 800 Euros a month cleans every day for years. She has to pick up the refuse the muslim men discard every where they go. She has to serve the young muslim men in the hallways who stand there with their hand outstretched, demanding everything for free, and when they don’t get it they throw a fit. They know Germany and her citizens are very civilized. Add to that the world is watching, so these vicious, lazy, muslim youths know if they scream shout, and threaten violence, the German people will cave in. I tell you, no one who has not come in contact with them has any idea what kind of animals they are, especially the ones from Africa, and how the muslim men and women act superior to our staff who are Christian. They look down upon us, verbally deride our Christian values and then demand that their every wish be granted immediately. If, Germans with our generous nature cannot handle this, then the rest of Europe will be total chaos. For now, the local hospital staff has not come down with the diseases they brought here, but, with so many hundreds of patients every day – this is just a question of time. In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, which they had dragged across half of Europe for three months before seeking medical attention. The child died in two days, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany. The physician had to undergo surgery and two nurses are in the ICU. Nobody has been, and no one will be punished.”
That is so wrong
That’s what the liar in chief and Loretta lynch want for us
Her business her choice.
This happened in Britain…
I believe Trump will help to end this pc c**p. I think Trump will be it to a head.
I’m with the salon owner!
I don’t blame her, you can’t trust those savage animals. I wouldn’t want those filthy bastards in my business either