British police have been playing nanny again, punishing people for saying things they don’t approve of, even locking them up and treating them like violent criminals as it were. This time, Thames Valley beauty salon owner April Major has been taken into custody by law enforcement due to inflammatory remarks she made regarding Muslims over Facebook. Not acts, mind you, remarks.
Reacting to the attacks in Paris, Major wrote on the social media site that Muslims were no longer welcome at her business, allegedly stating, “Time to put my country first.” It is even claimed that she said “I hope your families get blown up by ISIS,” over the site. As ill-considered as her comments are, Major did not commit violence against anyone or anything, and yet the Thames Valley police felt the “threat” she posed was credible enough to take her in. Citing the Public Order Act as permission to take action against those publicly display “abusive” material, officers promptly apprehended her.
Keep reading to see some of the reactions to Major’s arrest:
Everybody we all need to reexamine Liberal ideology and the Liberals themselves. I’m pretty sure most of us are under the impression that these people are perfectly normal individuals who simply have a difference of opinion. you need to look at it a little more closely because that’s not the case if you’re honest it’s pretty obvious that these people are psychologically and emotionally disturbed .and I know that sounds a little harsh but it’s not it’s actually a little more realistic. we need to face up to that we need to start thinking of liberals and treating them accordingly. there are people in the leadership of the politically correct movement they have actually committed treason and they need to be held accountable the rank-and-file or nothing more than a well-groomed regimented group of disturbed individuals basically the Disturbed elements of our society have been weaponized and are being used to destroy the Constitution Christianity and the sovereignty of the United States of America that’s not an overstatement look at it look at what they’ve done examine where they want to go it’s an accurate statement and we need to start acting accordingly
Sounds like they need a safe zone since real life is too mush for them. The lady has a right to refuse business to anyone no matter who they are for whatever her reason may be. Is they no real crime to keep them busy. Bunch of idiots..
This happened in England……You do know our Constitution would not allow this??……..LMAO…….You cons are so easily duped………….smh………peace
But they can have no go zones. Going to get you one way it another whitey, even if by your own laws while they implement their own.
That’s why America is the GREATEST country ever. We’re allowed certain freedoms & freedom of speech, which is how low-lifes get to bash our government & others the way they do. However, this post is from another country & obviously live by stricter rules of speech than we do. I thank God everyday for the freedoms we’ve been afforded.
It’s your right as a business owner to refuse service to who ever you don’t want to serve
I wouldn’tban them i would just do their hair in a very modern stle, they wouldn’t come back
What happened to, we can refuse service to anyone ???
I would give them all the ICBM’s they can handle for free