British police have been playing nanny again, punishing people for saying things they don’t approve of, even locking them up and treating them like violent criminals as it were. This time, Thames Valley beauty salon owner April Major has been taken into custody by law enforcement due to inflammatory remarks she made regarding Muslims over Facebook. Not acts, mind you, remarks.
Reacting to the attacks in Paris, Major wrote on the social media site that Muslims were no longer welcome at her business, allegedly stating, “Time to put my country first.” It is even claimed that she said “I hope your families get blown up by ISIS,” over the site. As ill-considered as her comments are, Major did not commit violence against anyone or anything, and yet the Thames Valley police felt the “threat” she posed was credible enough to take her in. Citing the Public Order Act as permission to take action against those publicly display “abusive” material, officers promptly apprehended her.
Keep reading to see some of the reactions to Major’s arrest:
The mayor of London is Muslim. You suppose Sharia is now the ladybug of London?
She can ban whomever she wants to.
Arrested? Really? Wow! No more freedom of speech!!!!!!!
Tyrannical government terrorizing its citizens once more. Getting fed up yet??
those charged with upholding US law were never privy to them, only what they were told was laws
AMEN, well put!!!!
Big brother& sister..squashing the rights of its citizens once again.
Gary Evans and Ken Blevins, Mike Cooper doesn’t have a fight in him, not sure he has a brain either.. fight for this country, yea right.. He has two things on his mind.. Getting a buzz and women… younger people like him are so ignorant, they haven’t a clue why they are free to be the idiots they’re.. let’s find out if I am right, hey Mike Cooper why do you celebrate the 4th of July? What is that holiday called, did you know it was a holiday?
This is our country. If we let any of these people in. They will force their way of life on us. Because it’s obvious our Government is Not on our side. We do not have to cater to these people. And I for one will not do it !
What the heck don’t we have a right to choose our friends