The United States has been preparing for war with China, reported Rupert Wingfield-Hayes of the BBC, after spending time off the coast of Guam upon the USS George Washington. This news for some may feel as though it is “breaking”, yet the preparations have been going on for some time.
The BBC took notice of this US build up, but so did Yale’s Journal of International Affairs, that asked the question, “Who Authorized Preparations For War With China?” back in June of 2013.
On the next page read just how much preparation for war with China has taken place and the abstract of the Yale Journal that proposed that this could be prep for WWIII.
This is nothing but a distraction, the war will be right here in America.
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP….Make America Safe Again
I think it’ll be a revolution in America before war with china happens!.
Who’s pushing for this war, is it because Obama needs a legal reason to suspend the presidential election so he can stay in office.?? I say yes..I say, he needs to be arrested immidiatly..
Shari Popham-Duarte
you mean obama the traitor is starting the war so he can completely take usa down off tbe map? time to wake up and see we have an enemy of the state in charge. if we dont we will sll be dead before the election is held.
Made in China going off the shelves and into the trash..????
Just found out the answer to my question.
To discuss default.
Lol people don’t realize that America isn’t mentioned in end of times because we will already be gone………if I remember correctly
Problem with that is if we do have some kind of revolution or civil war China and Russia will certainly invade amid the chaos