The United States has been preparing for war with China, reported Rupert Wingfield-Hayes of the BBC, after spending time off the coast of Guam upon the USS George Washington. This news for some may feel as though it is “breaking”, yet the preparations have been going on for some time.
The BBC took notice of this US build up, but so did Yale’s Journal of International Affairs, that asked the question, “Who Authorized Preparations For War With China?” back in June of 2013.
On the next page read just how much preparation for war with China has taken place and the abstract of the Yale Journal that proposed that this could be prep for WWIII.
Never happen I’m afraid
People we prep and train for war with everyone lol that’s what the military does and nothing new. China and everyone else does the same with us
It’s Barack’s fault that’s all this is happening. And if we go to war get my$#%&!@*back on a flat top pronto.
it’s a Cloak and dagger …Obama want’s to attack China because they don’t allow Muslim/Islam to practice there over throw of the world !
Well then we could wipe out our debt
Can we just impeach this$#%&!@*before he starts another war?
Care full China makes all the parts for those ships