A new article from the BBC goes over some ‘nifty’ reasons why people are clamoring to get implanted RFID chips, and why you should too.
You can start your motorcycle with them or unlock doors…gee, how cool. And the article points out that you shouldn’t worry about becoming trackable, that’s just ‘paranoid talk’ right?
Even if this wasn’t the mark of the beast which it is……I wouldn’t want anything that doesn’t belong in my body in my body…….
PUT IT IN YOUR ++++++;; NOT GOING TO ;;;OBAY !!!!!
Be wary!
I agree with Danilo Pie why would I want something in my body that didn’t belong there………..WHY I don’t want an Implant, I don’t think the Government has a right every time I take a pee or how I feel. if they did, they would see that we all remain healthy and make Monsanto quit spraying poison on us and they would make sure we get the right kind of medical care at no cost ( not Obama Care) But better care that people could afford, if they had to pay for it. and they would take steps to keep Terrorists out of the USA, and they would see that GOD is back in the schools and that the American flag is flown where ever people want to fly it, and they would make our country FREE Again. and Keep it FREE. THEY would also make the people that come here from other countries (illegals) either appreciate our country or go back to their own and not be allowed back. Where are the parents of all these children that are being brought here don’t they worry about their children, and how they are surviving???
No! No! A thousand x No!!
bull turkey – – big brother will not watch over me – – –
The Mark of The Beast……
THE TRUE MARK OF THE BEST OR SATAN.!!!! Watch out America, don’t be deceived!!!!! INVESTIGATE THE TRUTH!!
So if someone wants your motorcycle, they just have to cut your arm off. What could go wrong?