BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Wow 2 trolls in a row amazing. Crawl back under the rock you came from.
Trolls not welcome go back to Hillary.
Steven manson is a troll, ignore him.
when was the last time that you remember a president change the Constitution or change history ? This time it’s not a threat.
It never happens….7 yrs into this dude and the Constitution is still intact, regardless of the rhetoric to the contrary. It’s always Congress who gets that job, and they can’t agree on how to tie their own shoes
I edited my post because I meant I’m pissed at the government – I’m not pissed at Military. My apologies. Every generation of my family has served in the military since they legally migrated here from Ireland.
I am pissed that out of the whole entire government none of them will stop one man with a pen from destroying our country, our military, our history, our culture, our freedoms, our lives.
God Bless America
I just fear for our lives I’ve never seen changes like this being done before. The chaos that’s going on is very scary.
Troll elsewhere
It’s a shame that those in responsible positions in government and the media have engaged in the politics of fear that have you and so many other feeling this way….America wants pol’s to work together for we the people, but it’s devolved into a winner take all mentality
You mean they are preparing for this ? Geez… Someone in our government isn’t as stupid as I thought.
The US Navy, Marine Corps, Army & Air Force are “ALWAYS PRACTICING FOR WAR”. That’s what we do for crying out loud… We practice, practice and practice some more because when the balloon goes up, you don’t want an out if shape and dull military protecting you.