BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Exactly as you’ve said. Being 12 year vet I’d know. Your quote is strait from those who’ve derived the saying strait from the Art of War.
Sure an how about a live fire exercise for good measure? Sure we can find some Islamic Radical Pirates or some American hating illegal immigrants trying to sneak into America to shoot at.
Yes guys seems most on here think our navy is just to be here to look at an isn’t supposed to attack and destroy naval threats unless its through intimidation, threats and strong words apparently.
They make boring, crappy documentaries no one wants to watch.
Not only the Chinese the Russians as well like us they don’t want their countries being taken over by the new world order regime – if that’s what it takes to keep our country I’m on board. I’d rather help them to help get rid of these radical Muslims.
I spent 10 years in the Army practicing for war and only went once. Sports players practice for games and the military practices for war.
I was in the Royal Navy back in the 50ties (Yea we had a navy back then) and we were always running various drills, it’s called preparation,, “We come in peace, but are prepared for war”.
We are on our own.
It definitely feels that way.
Oh that New World Order? That only the past 35 yrs.