BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Really? What do you think is the Navy’s job you stupid SOB’s? Prepare to meet and destroy all that dangers the USA. End of story.
Bozo the POS shouldn’t be breathing
Yes but we haven’t been practicing for martial law or New World Order – so there’s no need for name calling.
yeah but they’re practicing with a president that has no intention on doing anything to anyone but us.
Gee do you think, that’s what we do, practice for war. Teams that don’t practice don’t win games.
What would you have us do sit and wait for another Pearl Harbor?
Destroyers following aircraft carrier (carrier should be in middle ) for protection. At least that was the Navy way back in the 60’s.
Put thAt ship up his ass
All militaries practice for war, all the time. For, DUH, obvious reasons. An to the anti military people our own are watching Obama with growing ire and distrust. Our own FBI AND CIA directors neither trust or like him. Should tell you something. An that’s for starters. Even us can’t just go shooting an throwing our weight around this media article is just more anti us military rhetoric. People talking about stuff they neither care about nor know nothing about. So long as they’re not the ones having to fight if it comes to it.
Lol yeah then least the anti American majority of immigrants would have a use huh. An then the survivors will have pulled double duty. Fighting for their new land and finally earned their citizenships.