BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Well said. Your you have to practice to be perfect.
Be prepared and act if required. Just don’t instigate.
be nice if we had more ships and planes..and a bigger army…i know..take all the illegals..stick em on the front line…china will run out of ammo killing them..then we hit em
I hope so
its coming back for repairs and sea trials
Just the beginning of Omuslims failed immigration policies
Haha. Keep your eye on the shiny object sheeple. Obama is gone in 7 months. You people are fucking nuts. Our military CAN NOT operate on our soil! National guard and Coast Guard only. And war against us by Obama? Do you smoke fucking meth? How opinionated, uneducated, moronic and just utterly dumb. Some of this$#%&!@*I hear from the general public shows our actual problem. We have people like this who say the dumbest$#%&!@*ever. Just WOW!
These comments make me laugh and feel so sad for people. Always a conspiracy theory about the government gonna kill the people$#%&!@* Go eat a round please and save us. Don’t breed please. Idiots. “We’re practicing for war against the people of the US”! Hahahaha. WTF people should watch this so we can stop speculating about things like fighting Muslims or whatever other whack$#%&!@*I’ve read people say.
Trump is the only one important in this president race. Not killary or bennie