BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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US navy always practices for war. Its called operational readiness.
With Obama at the helm,what a joke
It’s call “Training”, it’s what the military does!!!!!!
To secure peace you prepare for war!!!!!!
And when did BBC notice this hopefully about 40 yrs. ago not much good to have armed forces if they don’t know what to do in case of!
stop all wars for profits, close all boarders.
LOL the military always practices for war,what a bunch of dumb asses
Wouldn’t it be better if we and the rest of the world quit buying their c**p products bring our factories home.
China is a colonial power taking what she wants from those not strong enough to oppose her, the US navy is just trying to keep the Chinese from getting too greedy!!! Besides the Chinese know they can’t take on our navy yet!!!!
It’s not practicing for war with China it’s practicing for war against the American people ordered by Obama. Yet he’s bringing thousands of terrorists into our country while us taxpayers are paying for it against our will. I am so pissed the military is not standing up for us.
Donald Trump’s tax plan lowers corporate tax to create a more conducive environment for business growth. He will impose taxes on all goods being brought into the country from foreign countries. Corporations will try to raise the price of their goods to shift this cost to their consumers, which would lead to their goods being expensive. Corporations who have industries in America will be able to avoid these taxes hence provide goods at a cheaper cost, leading to people purchasing more of their goods, increasing their profits and business growth. This will incentivize all corporations to open plants and relocate their industries back to America or be out competed from companies located in America this will create millions of high quality jobs.
All while Trump builds a wall to closes our border, stops h-1b visas to prevent corporations importing cheap skilled immigrant labor to force corporations to hire locally. And with more jobs and employers not having access to foreign labor from Mexico, Pakistan and India like they do now, corporations and companies will start paying workers what they are worth to avoid losing quality employees to competing organisations. Hence corporations would work to improve working conditions and worker benefits to motive good workers to stay with their organisations. Employers should have to negotiate with their employees, but today employees have no leverage to negotiate because employers know that they don’t have much options due to job shortage, but this will never happen as long as the country has more workers than jobs, giving employers all the leverage to underpay and mistreat employees knowing that jobs are hard to find and people are desperate. Good workers should be hard to replace, because they should already be employed. Only Trump really knows how to bring back jobs.
Trump’s simplified 3 page, 4 bracketed tax plan charges 0% tax on people earning below $25,000, it ELIMINATES the marriage penalty, AMT, the death tax and closes ALL big business loopholes by guaranteeing all businesses fall within its respective tax bracket and pays the associated tax charge associated with that category. He will reduce the size of government making it more efficient etc.
-With people earning higher wages, hence providing more to the government in taxes.
-With FAR more corporations in America providing taxable incomes
-With Trump’s repatriation of corporate cash held overseas discounted 10% tax rate plan to incentivize corporations to bring back their money back into the American banks hence economy
-With his reduced 15% income tax rate on small businesses, jobs creators, freelancers, sole proprietors, this will provide a tremendous stimulus for the economy.
Trump will easily pay off our national debt and achieve significant GDP growth. We need a real businessman to clean up our government, stop big money’s influence in politics and make us the strong country we know we can be. Please visit Trump’s website to see more about his great plans and why Informed Americans are so eager to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Please Share If You Care For Others