BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Bradley Gensel obviously you have never been in the military. Your comment was naive and asinine.
Isn’t that the military’s job? Be ready for war…
Uhhh, they practice for war against Russia, China, North Korea, Duchy of Grand Fenwick, and many other nations. They practice to be ready. DUH!
Oh and let me guess it’s Trump’s fault right
No$#%&!@* They’ve been practicing for war with China since the Korean War. They also practice for war with Russia and North Korea and Iran and other nations. This writer must think the Navy sails around on a fun tour with good will for all and lollipops and rainbows for everyone they meet.
Maneuvers always practice for war. Otherwise, why hold them? You also practice against likely foes.
Do we even have the power? The military is a small fraction of what it used to be, drafts don’t work, and I wouldn’t expect 18 year olds in 2016 to care much about anything. Sounds like trouble.
BZ Dave Gregory!
Do the rocket scientists at the BBC know who China is planning to fight?