BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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With Bin Laden Oblamer as POTUS ? Hahaha
That’s their Job isn’t it ???
Quit fear mongering. It’s called war games for a reason. It’s practice because you can’t stay sharp when you need to without it.
It was sheer numbers and a nasty winter that halted$#%&!@*s advance. Soviet losses were staggering.
Don’t complain now, you didn’t have a problem buying products from them giving them the money to be a superpower.
“In times of peace prepare for war”… Winston Churchhill
Thanks Joe Golembeski! You took the words right out of my mouth!
Why does this post keep showing up in my new feed? Maybe to remind us daily that our navy is on the job and ready to kick$#%&!@*!!
The BBC is the first to know all news. they report what the royal crown tells them too. The BBC were the first to report our buildings collapsed on 911. 20 minutes before it happened lol. They got all the inside scoop
It’s what we do. There is no war that republicans don’t like.