BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Only a stupid liberal could be surprised by the fact that all branches of the military practices continually for war. We were unprepared for WW2 because the liberals didn’t think we needed a strong military and they still don’t.
Exactly! That is what makes us the best!
HAHAHHA!! I clicked on this to comment… and you literally already posted exactly word for word what i was going to type. Great minds…
China is anti Muslim, Obama is pro Muslim, can you connect the dots yet?
Right now, our leadership and downsized/PC military can’t handle this type of war. If this pisses you off then ask yourself one question: would America be able to win WW2 today?…
We’ve been at war since 9/11. We just haven’t been as serious about it as our enemy! Trump will change that and trust our military leaders to overpower whoever messes with America, kick the living$#%&!@*out of them till they are decimated. Then bring our troops back home to rest and train for the next country that threatens us!
Skiv there is no way in hell we’d win against China in this current administration.
Not worh limp wrist Obama
I can’t see the need for you to make a statement to begin with. It’s not like they need you to verify$#%&!@* You got 38 likes out of 7and a half billion people in the world. Pretty fucking sad. Everything you think is worth respecting as far as military is concerned will be gone in the near future. They don’t make nuclear bombs to sit and rot away. They will be used and no one on this planet will escape the fall out no matter how far in the ground a person digs. All food and water supplies will be poisoned. Most of all the life on this planet will be dead and the remaining will starve because of radiation poisoning. Be happy you die first before someone starts the count down. If you so survive the blast and fall out, slow and very painful process of death will engulf everything. To be happy we have war machines is like saying I want to die and not experience the true nature of our planet and the universe. Violence breeds violence and death. Love breeds life and love. I guess your a christian as well preaching double standards and one liner’s to the weak minded to join your cause for war. Typical.
I should certainly hope so! We “practiced” all the time for a war with the Soviet Union and look how that turned out.