BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Better to sweat a lot in training than to bleed a lot during a battle. “60’s” USN, Viet Nam vet.
Should they be practicing for peace?
Good!!! God Bless them all !!
There is no war threat at present! Neither was there the thought that Japan would strike Hawaii. Better to be prepared than not when there is already a war going on. When the pot gets stirred, then do not let it get boiled over, watch it!
China has been around longer as one country before even Christ, these aren’t foolish people. If they go to war with us, they’re prepared to put up a very effective defense. For now, they’re simply biding their time.
Ex President Fox should take a look at our Navy it would only take one day to take the rest of MEXICO as part or the USA.
Has Neville Chamberlain been resurrected?