BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Truth and Action is horrible. Nothing but lies and vitriol.
I spent 18 years in the army, we trained ever day, I served in the gulf war, Somali, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, and other places, we train to be prepared and pray we don’t need it…but I have needed it and was grateful we did
You train the way you fight. That means training to fight those you deem to be a threat. Armed forces have been dong this since Moses was a seaman
War games happen all the time. Being prepared keeps us safe.
It’s called pratice and drills, good fucking grief people. Who the hell wants to be caught, not knowing what to do, in case the real thing happens. Funny, he didn’t write about the fire drills that are praticed every damn day, while iut to sea, the countless other drills that are ran, every damn day out to sea. It’s called being prepared, incase$#%&!@*happens. OMG FUCKING GOD!! You see that 747, doing touch and go’s at the air port? American Air lines is readying for war! /smh
We have been practicing for war since we had an army. It’s called training dumb$#%&!@* We are 10 times more likely to go to war with Russia long before China. We need to leave them all alone and stop pretending to be the world police when we cause more war than any nation ever.
Remember in 1941 when we were caught with our pants down? The military vowed then to make sure that never happens again. For the most part they have been extremely successful upholding that vow, politics notwithstanding of course.
Well I just be damned, you git to be kidding me ! Lmao
You train like you fight. If the flag goes I hope it’s not our cherry trip. I hope our fighting men are leaning forward. Stay frosty, it’s coming.
Uh….that’s what they do dumkoph!