BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Isn’t that why we have active duty military 24 x 7 for the last 70+ years? To practice for war, semper fi, always ready always willing, right?
funny there have reports by truckers making escorted hauls of goods just south of the border to makeshift bases full of chi-coms
No$#%&!@*Einsteins, the military is ALWAYS training for war. That’s how they stay ready. Should they lay around and watch Spongebob and wait for someone to attack us? That’s what they do. If you don’t practice and train for possible war with all possible adversaries you wind up one day with 2 millions SS trooops in the center of Paris…. Duh….
We are always practicing for war. If we sat back in our ports and waited till it broke out we would be stupid. Practice makes perfect.
this post by T&A is just another scare tactic like when they were posting about Jade Helm , more BS
can’t help but to laugh…
We’re always practicing.
Our navy is very weak because of massive budget cuts. We have only half the number of ships needed to carry out the navy’s mission. We are in serious trouble right now. We need a president who will build up our military.
Umm…It’s their job?
The chinese spend each day working hard, using their brains, and striving for unity amongst the collective good of their country. Americans$#%&!@*and moan about black lives mattering, and whether we should build bathrooms for the very few who just cannot figure out why they have a penis when they just wish they could have gotten a v****a instead. We could lose the war to China, thanks to those wonderful liberals.