BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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Good best be ready at all times especially with all the lunatics in this world
Agree picture should have been of the whole fleet not just part.
Because of advanced technology we don’t need that many ships.. durinWWll most ships could only do one or two things..because of technology lots of these ships have multiple things they can do.. plus didn’t we just launch a 13 billion dollar aircraft carrier plus another one in 2018 plus a new class of subs will be launched around the same time.. and don’t forget the new stealth destroyer….our navy is still the strongest navy there is
One problem: If one of those ships is sunk, we lose the things that 20 ships did during World War II. And the Chinese have lots of carrier-sinking missiles.
Dumbest headline ever lol
Lmfao more media b******t trying to stir the pot
That’s nothing new.
The way america military statis is right now, with the budgit cuts via the present goverment, there is no way where ready for an war.
Oh. I checked the BBC Web site. Nothing. I searched for “war with china.” Nothing. I searched for “china.” Nothing. So I call hogwash.
They practice for war all the time. They practice according to threat assessment. In my day it was the USSR.
It would be negligent on the part of the USN not to prepare for a war with China, as well as a war with North Korea, Russia, and even any of our weak-kneed allies