BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes recently spent time on the USS George Washington off Guam and came back to state that it is quite clear the US is preparing for war with China.
These preparations have actually been occuring for some time.
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A good military is always practicing for war. That’s why it exists.
China has been swallowing up islands in the South China Sea, islands that aren’t their territory, and building heavily defended air strips and placing their most advanced aircraft on them. I don’t for second think that war with China is imminent but it is the new Cold War and as we did with the Soviets, we must be prepared.
It’s what they do, duh
I wonder if the Chinese will still sell us all of the gear we need to fight with, if we declared war on them. Hmmmmm. Who else will make all of our stuff?
USN had better improve ASW again. It was priority 1 back in the day. Very concerned about capabilities, talent, expertise, and resources. I watch ASW decline during my time. Cannot imagine the negative impact of declining budget and priorities have caused.
It’s called training
We aren’t going to full out attack China with troops. We already blew up a few things in China this year.
Attention: water is wet
If I’ve learned one thing, the military does a lot of stuff for no reason. Why would we go to war with China? We owe them enough money it would be stupid for them to shoot at us. It is smoke and mirrors. We have zero reason to be aggressive against China. Mexico, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Washington DC…if we are going to start a war, let’s start a war with people that are really testing us. Just my opinion.