The demand for a hike in hourly wages is one that’s been echoing across the country and heeded by a few with disastrous consequences. For example, the situation with Dan Price of Gravity Payment Systems in Seattle. He set his wage floor at 70,000 dollars a year and not only discovered it to be economically impossible, but also lost a lot of faithful employees because there was no gap in between those who worked hard for promotions and those that didn’t. Crazy right? It only makes sense that those who earned higher wages get paid just as much as those who haven’t. Now Walmart is learning this same lesson. By spending an extra $1 billion to raise employees wages and offer them extra training, they’re being forced cut their hours and even lay some of them off.
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No one deserves that amt of money including sports players who wages get way up there, you are only worth that much in your own mind, and the greedy lawyers mind
if walmart shut down completely tomorrow across the board,financial breakdown.other retailers would rape the public on that,then people would wake up and realize paying $$$$$$$ instead of $$$ for same thing.
How about giving workers 4 1964 solid silver quarters per hour wage they’re worth $ 15.15 cents. The problem is the economy and worthless money. You people are idiots.
Actually, I don’t blame athletes and “sports figures”, for their insanely high salaries. I blame the stupid owners who pay it lol. If I was an athlete and someone offered me MILLIONS to play a simple game that can be found on any school yard, I’d be crazy not to take the money and run. And the public is just as stupid to pay the high prices to support them. Just my opinion.
If they paid ceo’s a living wage they could pay their people more.
Government telling business how much to pay their employees is just crazy. If the government had never gotten into the wages employer pay game and let the free economy dictate what wages were, didn’t tax businesses out of existence, and stopped all of the unnecessary regulations, we would have decent wages and plenty of jobs in this country.
Walmart near me installed 8 automatic self-checkout lanes and raised their prices. Prices are now better at other stores. Loss of business, so last week they went from being 24 hour to only open 6am to midnight. I’m sure a few people either lost their jobs or had their hours cut.
Can’t someone figure out this is a bad idea before they do it? No one asked me and I could see it was a bad idea before they tried it.
They are all about their profits and always have been. They could care less about the employees.
that’s why i quit watching pro sports,i watch college football because they are trying like crazy to look good enough to make that big money, but when they get there and complain 10 million a year just isn’t enough, i lose all respect for them