Unwilling to take the results of last Tuesday’s election gracefully, the Democrats are ready to destroy the country’s political system in order to save it.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s what liberals accused Donald Trump of plotting to do in the event that he lost the election. Pouring unprecedented amounts of scrutiny and scorn on the GOP candidate’s very real concerns that voter fraud could compromise the results of the election, progressives claimed that Trump was trying to cast doubt on the integrity of American democracy in order to further his own interests.
Now, just a week after Trump managed to win the election far and square, the left has blamed the system they previously rallied around for the populist conservative’s victory. In particular, they blame the electoral college for delivering the presidency to Trump, and are already drawing up plans to rectify this “mistake”.
Learn more about the Democrats’ plans to undermine the electoral college on the next page:
She’s the poster child for term limits.
This is purely posturing as she heads into the sunset and none to soon. this has little to no chance of gaining traction. Just another political pipe bomb for democrats to try and muster into a partisan issue.
The left has a bad habit of forcing legislation thru, or supporting actions or proposals that are so one sided, that later comes back to haunt them. Just like when they supported all of Obama’s ‘Executive Actions’ and the like. Now when someone that they don’t like comes to power and uses the same method of governing as Obama they get all bent out of shape.
So you can’t do any real work huh? Why don’t you help instead of hurt this country? But if you want to make yourself look stupid in front of the world go ahead …….
And why would the electoral college or Congress give this any consideration to this bill if California wants to secede from our country?
This would nullify any votes from the many rural areas of the country. Not a good idea as the whole country needs representation, not just the highly populated cities!
The election is over and wasting time passing it now is senseless.
boxer needs to go
Don’t know who the hell these traitorous old POS think they are f them. Go home take your Meds change your diaper
As lone as it stipulates it applies to ALL parties.