When Barack Obama was running for president for the first time in 2008, his status as an African American convinced even long-time conservatives to vote Democrat. He was supposed to be the president that finally put race behind us, and let us move on as a more unified country.
Unfortunately, the post-racial America that so many thought Barack Obama would bring never came to be — far from it.
Race relations in America are worse now than at any point in decades, and nearly everyone has given up on the president’s ability to bring the country back together.
Well, everyone but one, actually.
Barack Obama still thinks he’s the man that can finally fix racism in this country, despite the fact that his previous efforts on the matter have done nothing but make them worse.
See Barack Obama’s painfully oblivious quip on the matter on the next page:
He needs to concentrate on fixing himself
N****r: Your not our best any fucking thing!
It is interesting that Obama is half black, half native Hawaiian….and he chooses to portrait himself as black…..because it advances his agenda……and it divides the country
0dumbo and Dems are anti cop!
Vinson Biddy Jr. ……I think Obama probably realizes congress (both houses of which are controlled by Republicans) have the power to impeach him, like they did Bill Clinton for having sex with a college intern and ten lying about it……they decided not to remove him from office but they have the power to do so………if Obama sucks it up, keeps his mouth shut for the next 6 months, he and Michelle can go on speaking tours and make a few million a year on top of the almost half million he gets a a Presidential pension….you’d think he wouldn’t want to screw that up…..but…..he ain’t the brightest light bulb in Lowes even though he thinks he is
support the blue …OB is out of touch! vote trump
What a joke! What a joker!
They hate you!
God help us if you’re their “best hope”!
B******t–Oboma is the Fuking problem.!!