When Barack Obama was running for president for the first time in 2008, his status as an African American convinced even long-time conservatives to vote Democrat. He was supposed to be the president that finally put race behind us, and let us move on as a more unified country.
Unfortunately, the post-racial America that so many thought Barack Obama would bring never came to be — far from it.
Race relations in America are worse now than at any point in decades, and nearly everyone has given up on the president’s ability to bring the country back together.
Well, everyone but one, actually.
Barack Obama still thinks he’s the man that can finally fix racism in this country, despite the fact that his previous efforts on the matter have done nothing but make them worse.
See Barack Obama’s painfully oblivious quip on the matter on the next page:
Best hope to get em killed
We see how that worked out.
YA to get killed???? what a stupid statement..
Obuma aint nobody special but a disgrace n terrorist , hates cops n OUR COUNTRY
That’s a BS LIE.
Sooner have Bob Hope or no hope
Here…..you have a President who admires and promotes movements like BLM……movements that are so racist it’s unbelievable……but they are pro-black movements so it’s OK when they incite riots, encourage people to assassinate police, and cheer for Hillary……the DNC line up of speakers is sick………the mothers of Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin and others who were killed by police and the public and those police officers and George Zimmerman were investigated and found innocent……Someone should remind these idiots that Hillary was also investigated and found innocent…..
Why doesn’t Obama just quit just like killary she’s quit every job he gave her.
You arent anybodys hope. You are a hemmoroid that wont go away