Barack Obama was supposed to be the first president in a post-racial America. We were supposed to vote for Barack Obama the candidate, not Barack Obama the African-American. His leadership was poised to put our nation’s checkered past with race behind us.
Then, he started to fail as a president — badly.
Soon, the left was pulling out the race card at every opportunity. If you voted Republican, you did so because you were racist. If you opposed Obamacare, you were a racist. If you questioned Barack Obama at any point, you did so because you were a racist.
These pathetic attacks have, until now, not originated from the president himself. Instead, he let the name calling be done by his comrades in congress.
Now, it looks as if he’s changing his tune. See what he said about whites who don’t support Black Lives Matter on the next page:
And we don’t support you ether! Traitor dictator Obama!
Because black lives want retro active everything. There has been more respect for black people then there ever was in modern time. Entitlement just because you are black should not enter. Earn your way in life. Instead of on the backs that suffered. You’re just like Islam. Getting loud to get your way shuts our ears off. You are all a disgrace to the people that actually made a positive contribution in life.
Hoping when Obama leaves office thAt the country will heal.
It hurts to see a pres. as shitty and backstabbing and racist to its people as this treacherous asswipe !
Such a divider. I was raise to treat everyone with respect. To do this, people have to deserve respect. Skin color doesn’t matter. If you want respect, you live and act respectively to others and most people will return it. Black lives matters has shown no respect to anyone. They are thugs. Obama is acting just like them.
‘It hurts’ to see Black Lives Matter not support All Lives Matter!
I do not support terrorist organizations, especially those that call for the killing of police, have you lost your mind Barack?
Oh my how misguided his statement is. They are going about terrorizing people destroying neighborhoods.
I hope you are in A lot of pain. We will never support those thugs.
Obama has taken this country backwards, at least 70 years.