Barack Obama isn’t backing down from his support of Black Lives Matter after the movement led to the death of five Dallas police officers. Instead, he’s doubling down and inviting them to the White House – even the recently arrested.
It’s easy to assume that the meeting was some sort of publicity stunt on the part of the president, but the White House neglected to put the fact that the organization was involved on the president’s official schedule. Instead, they were listed as “activists.”
Black Lives Matter’s involvement with the meeting was instead outed by members of the organization on Twitter.
So Barack Obama is meeting with Black Lives Matter, but doesn’t want anyone to know about it.
See the tweets that exposed the president’s secret meeting by continuing on to the next page:
What an$#%&!@*!
Get their pay and next assignment
BO is behind all of this — with the biggest RACISTS in this country….he steals from us to give to his terrorist friends, the Muslims. He gives to all the immigrants, refugees, illegals, etc. SICK & DISGUSTING….we all know the one word that describes him!
He is the terrorist in chief !!!!!!!
This is disgusting
It will not help Obama! You can’t protect them anymore! They will all end up in prison or the morgue!!!!!!!!
He is plotting what to do at the gop next week. There are going to have a bad attack, watch an see, I have been praying hard.
HE MUST BE IMPEACHED and I am REALLY aggravated and ANGRY at our US House members who CAN impeach but are too COWARDLY to 1) DO so 2) SAY something about the terrorist in the WH 3) that don’t have the GUTS to do what the people demand 4) those who won’t even ANSWER the people when we write them!!!