Barack Obama isn’t backing down from his support of Black Lives Matter after the movement led to the death of five Dallas police officers. Instead, he’s doubling down and inviting them to the White House – even the recently arrested.
It’s easy to assume that the meeting was some sort of publicity stunt on the part of the president, but the White House neglected to put the fact that the organization was involved on the president’s official schedule. Instead, they were listed as “activists.”
Black Lives Matter’s involvement with the meeting was instead outed by members of the organization on Twitter.
So Barack Obama is meeting with Black Lives Matter, but doesn’t want anyone to know about it.
See the tweets that exposed the president’s secret meeting by continuing on to the next page:
He’s one of them
He started BLM,,him and Soros funding they both need to be arrested
They are being paid good money to do this. Who do u think is backing this?
the cesspool of corruption and criminality that is the obama freak show knows no bounds. divide and conquer is his me this idiot does not give a damn about anyone or anything unless he can use it to further his batshit crazy agenda. He and the likes of george soros refer to these people as “useful idiots” Please do your is your friend.
I keep saying that Obama is using our tax dollars along with Soros to fund them!! This is one racist groups that needs to be banned here! They are doing nothing but destroying our country alone with Obama! He didn’t care about the police officers or he would have took a hard stand against them!’
Obama is planning something horrible. Wait for it folks. Biggest mistake America ever did was electing this race baiting bastard for POTUS. His damage is not done.
He is behind it all
He must be so proud of his THUGS!! They can’t see that he will throw them under the bus for his Muslims!!
Obama is a disgrace
Must have handed out their paychecks.BLM members are Terrorists and the scum of the earth. What they dont know or want to no .obama has put them on his hit list.. after they do his bidding watch an see the leaders of blm and members will be found dead all over this country.Because he and killary will be done with them . Just look how many are dead around killary ,and look at the ones that helped him ,like the lady in HW that fixed his birth record ,she is dead,and the girl that had his baby some years ago.and seal team 6 and the list goes on. BLM needs to remember O has no regards for any ones life period.