Barack Obama isn’t backing down from his support of Black Lives Matter after the movement led to the death of five Dallas police officers. Instead, he’s doubling down and inviting them to the White House – even the recently arrested.
It’s easy to assume that the meeting was some sort of publicity stunt on the part of the president, but the White House neglected to put the fact that the organization was involved on the president’s official schedule. Instead, they were listed as “activists.”
Black Lives Matter’s involvement with the meeting was instead outed by members of the organization on Twitter.
So Barack Obama is meeting with Black Lives Matter, but doesn’t want anyone to know about it.
See the tweets that exposed the president’s secret meeting by continuing on to the next page:
Don’t tell me, …if he had another son it would look like this? Impeach!!!
Obama’s friend, George Soros funds BLM. Today 37 Cities have protests scheduled. (Creating a need for Martial Law
didn’t know they left trash in the Whitehouse
Really, surprised? Mr. Destruction of America.
Planning more killings.
another domestic terror group and obama is buddies with, time to remove obama!
Can this PC c**p! Time to play hard ball and start “kicking A double S”!
this meeting between blm and obama was to lay their plans to start the race war so obama can stay in and act like a king. there are millions of us who will make sure that obama leaves and we will handle the blm criminals
of course he created them
obama need to go. he is our enemy.